Thursday, July 30, 2009

Ticks by Any Other Name

A fellow creek lover and volunteer, Ross, just sent a link to some awesome pieces about deer ticks which appeared on the New York Times blogs this month.

At first I almost deleted without reading it. Seems like a lot of tick related articles are of the Fox News local channel variety.... that is, they try to scare you about lyme disease and tell you to stay inside, with your head under a pillow where those nasty ticks can't find you.

But, Ross is a really smart, well-read nature lover, so I knew that the article he would send would likely be much more informative. So I went to the link and read all about the most recent ecological news regarding ticks. It is great to have all of this in one spot.

Did you know, for example, that they aren't calling them deer ticks anymore? And they have a very interesting relationship to deer but science is still trying to unravel their relationship to other animals.

Very good reading. Thanks, Ross.

Here's the link one more time:

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