Thursday, September 17, 2009

How Can They Say They Are Working for the Trees when Mostly they Plant the ICC?

It is horribly depressing to drive down 95 these days between Baltimore and DC and see the work of the Intercounty Connector (ICC) moving ahead, snaking through the green trees like ugly brown tracks left by a very destructive monster.

I hate this road. I hate the idea of this road. I cannot stand to think of the areas being destroyed in its wake, and the more subtle destruction which will follow in decades to come, as developments inevitably will grow up all around its finished path.

This morning I received the following message, posted by Mike Smith to the Friends of Sligo Creek listserv:

"Rob Shreve from the State Highway Administration will be at Montgomery County's Forest Conservation Advisory Committee meeting next Tuesday to discuss the Intercounty Connector and Anacostia forestation. Note that this is not a public hearing, and non-committee members are considered observers and only able to ask questions at the discretion of the 22 member committee. There are hopes to have a DNR representative at their October meeting to further discuss the issue as it relates to the 2001 Agreement.This meeting will be Tuesday September 22nd at 7:00 p.m.

The location is 255 Rockville Pike in Rockville in the Department of Environmental Protection conference room on the first floor, right next to the Rockville Metro Station.Here are related documents:

1). The 2001 Anacostia Watershed Restoration Agreement signed by the Maryland Governor and Montgomery Executive as well as the Prince George's Executive and District Mayor.

Goal 5 was: "To protect and expand forest cover throughout the watershed..." with five parts to the goal.

2). This agreement led to the The Anacostia Watershed Forest Management and Protection Strategy (released June 2005) which can be found at "

((end message))

Indeed, how can they say they say they are working for the trees when all they seem to plant is the ICC?

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